Hi all, I have raised a question in the slack channel:
Question: Does anyone know if there is a way to bulk edit tasks? For example, if I want to push out all due dates by 5 days, can I do that?
Response 1: Only in timeline view by dragging them (maybe in Gantt as well).
Response 2: You can change up to 50 tasks at once via multi-select (https://help.asana.com/hc/en-us/articles/14140577435931-Save-time-in-Asana#gl-multiselect).
My response: Thanks both! Do you know if it’s something that
Asana is going to improve? Because it will be very useful for pushing back due dates in case the project has to be moved some days or weeks. Because what the response 1 is saying doesn’t work with the subtask due dates for each task and its limited for only 50 tasks.
So is it something that can be added? I am sure that more than one user has a project that needs to be pushed, and there isn’t a way to move the due dates all at once.