I have created a management system where a person submits a form with info, then the form is created into a task within a project. Then that same task is converted into a project using a template and is then added to a specific portfolio. That all works great.
However, I have specific boxes within the form that are added to the task as subtasks, before it is coverted into a project as a template. When coverting the task into a project, the added subtasks are coverted into tasks and added to the converted project. THe subtasks, now tasks, are added to an untitled section.
I would like to know if there is a way, for when those tasks show up in the untitled section, to have them automatically move to the proper labeled section within the project. I have tried all of the rules available to get them to move. I have tried the smart rules function. I have run out of options.
I need some assistance, and I would appreciate the help!
I wanted to give an update that this solution worked perfectly. I was able to perform this same procedure in my rules, and now my subtasks have fallen under the correct section when converted to a project.