More members than seats?

I’m the admin for an organization, we’re currently paying for 40 premium seats in order to evaluate Asana. We also have a few guests in our organization, which I’m not counting since they are unpaid for. However, it seems that since we purchased the 40 licenses, all licensed seats plus 7 seats have now been filled by people in our organization joining Asana. Meaning, there are currently 47 users (with our domain name) within our Asana organization and we have 7 “seats over plan”.

My question is, how does this work? The word of Asana has spread all on its own within our company and the ones in charge of this evaluation have not actively invited anyone into the Asana organization, it seems they’ve connected automatically. Do we have to pay for these extra 7 users? If we don’t, what will happen? Is there some sort of setting regarding joining/invitations that we have missed?

Thanks in advance!


Hi @Sarah_Lager and welcome to the Asana Forum!

No worries at all, happy to clear this up for you. There are two ways to join Asana for your colleagues:

So the 7 additional people could have either been invited or signed up on their own.

It is possible to remove members from your Organization, Admins can do so easily via the Admin console following these steps: Admin Console • Asana Product Guide. If your organization stays over its premium plan limit for a while, you will eventually automatically be upgraded to the next premium tiers (your billing owner will be notified by email before we automatically upgrade you), so I would recommend your Admins and Billing Owner to work together to find the best solution for your team!

Hope this helps, but if you have any follow-up question, please let me know, I’ll be more than happy to help!


Hi Marie,

I’m a newbie to Asana, and see value in the tool - but struggling to manage the cost that could potentially pile up for our Organization. I apologize in advance if I’m asking an obvious question!

We’ve got about 12 to 15 people in our Organization that I would like to have on Asana - but we’ve got over 100 people with an email address from the same domain name. We’re currently using the premium trial, and the membership is rapidly exploding - similar to the situation described by @Sarah_Lager

The premium seems like the correct plan for our team as we require collaboration with some guests outside our Org (mostly suppliers), and we use the dependent tasks and timeline views.

How do I restrict the membership within our Org to the intended group?

I have found the remove member option in the Admin Console. If I remove a member, can they join again? This seems like it could be a recurring headache?

Is there a way for an administrator to approve any member invites before they are sent?

Am I missing some obvious way to manage the costs of using this tool?

Thanks in advance!

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Hi @Don_Sissons
I am admin of the Asana account of my company and I already had this discussion with Asana.
It is not possible to restrict access for those who have an address of the same domain name.
If removed, they can reconnect again.
Today we communicate about the possibilities of Asana and explain to whom it suits. And every 2 months we delete accounts that are not used because some people create account without knowing what it is and do not return, but I agree it is not easy to keep the balance between people interested and total cost.

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Thank you @Julien_RENAUD for the response. Good to now I’m not the only one with this issue!
Would it not be reasonable for the Admin of the Organization to be able to approve an invitation before it is sent from a member? Or at least approve a member before they are granted a paid seat?
I can see where any collaboration tool works better when it has more global use within an organization, and I also see that it is in Asana’s best interests to keep growing the membership!
I would welcome the option to manage who owns premium seats within the Org, and I would think it would be reasonable to pay some reduced amount for the remaining users on the domain name to be able to participate with Basic level access.
Perhaps there is a feature request section somewhere where this would be more appropriate?


Yes I agree with you it would be very useful to be able to validate an account creation :+1:

In an organization you can have Premium teams and free teams, but you may be limited in term of collaboration if you don’t have a whole premium organization. Some details here: