Make it easier to remove subtask due date

When projects are significantly delayed or postponed indefinitely, my team team likes to remove due dates for tasks and subtasks. This is easy to do for tasks, but very tedious for subtasks. Unless I’m missing something, it seems like you have to click the speech bubble icon next to each individual subtask (to go to the subtask notes and comments), remove the due date, and then navigate back to the parent task.

I’d like there to be a way to remove subtask due dates simply by clicking on them from the main parent task. It would be even better if you could batch edit them to remove several subtask due dates at once.

Hi @Alexis_Wnuk Have you tried searching for Sub Tasks using advanced search and then multi selecting, you can then multi select those tasks up to 50 and then change the Due Date that way…

Hope that helps…


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Yes! I’ve been trying to figure out the same thing! It doesn’t look like there’s a solution for this yet for subtasks. You can multi-select + change the due date, but not REMOVE the due date.

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I agree! This would be a very helpful addition!

Just came to post the same thing.

Hi folks,

Closing this thread out since you can now click on the due date of subtasks to open the calendar and remove the due date without actually opening the subtask. This also works when selecting multiple subtasks!