Remove multiple subtasks from a project

I have a list of 50 subtasks that have accidentally been added to a project that I would like to unassign.

However, using the multiple selection tool, I’m not able to remove all the subtasks from the project, I can only add them to another project or change the section.
I would only need to keep the parent tasks in the project.
I remember this was possible on an older version of Asana.

Thanks for the support.


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Hi @Florian_L_Hermitte, thanks for reaching out!

You can create a report of subtasks that you would like to delete. Please find more details in this article. You will be able to search by subtasks selecting the Add filter > More.

I also recommend you checking this great post with more tips and workarounds to delete projects/tasks/subtasks that are no longer needed: Best Practices when deleting a Project

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions :slight_smile:

Hi Emily,

Thank you for your reply.
However, I’m not really looking for a report of tasks/subtasks, neither deleting a project, but would like to remove the tasks from a project (as I only want to keep the parent tasks visible on the project, not the subtasks).

There is no action for this, it seems the only one available now is Move to another project, but there is no function for removing multiple tasks.

The only alternative that I see here is to remove one by one the subtasks from the project (see picture attached) which is quite annoying as the list of subtasks is quite extensive.

Hi Florian

Can you try this hack and see if it works?

Go to the list view, expand the subtask, multiple select them

Click on the Project, the ‘x’ mark will appear, hit that x

As you can see from my subtask, it’s been removed from previous assigned project

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