Linking Tasks to Goals from "My Tasks" tab

I would like to quickly link my tasks to a goal from the “My Tasks” tab of Asana.

Hi @Esther_Wermer

Welcome to the forum.

Out of interest, why would you want to link a task to a goal, rather than a project / portfolio?


Hi Rashad,

I have a goal that doesn’t necessarily link to a specific project, and I would like to automatically update as I complete a lot of different types of tasks.

Thank you,

In this case, I would advise to create a project specific for this goal, and use the multi-home feature to put all the random tasks from other work that impacts this goal into the new project, and this way you can link it to your goal. Hope this helps a bit.

That seems like a lot of unnecessary work. Is there an easier way to do it?

Multi-homing tasks happen with one click.
You can read these two useful articles: