Lessons Learned Template

Hey - does anyone have a project/template for a Lessons Learned Project.

I’m envisaging something where teams can submit their good/bad feedback (most likely via a form) and then it gets sorted into a database for us to track rectification or standardisation builds.

anything like that around before I build one?

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Hello @Becky_Manson,

do you refer to general feedback and good/bad examples about projects and specific processes?
Such as for example for the team managing adwords to keep track of what worked out really well and why and what ad test failed and why?

If so then I‘d just set up an asana form or template task the team members can fill out and store everything in a wiki project. Generally I‘d recommend having a wiki project per department.
To ensure the team members really attend it definitely needs a recurring Asana task assigned to reminding to keep track of such good and bad examples as this helps others to learn from them.

Here is some info from the Asana blog as well that might he useful: Capturing Lessons Learned in Project Management [2023] • Asana

I hope that is what you were looking for?

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Thanks for sharing Andrea -

I ended up building a project including a form and workflows to automatically create subtasks etc to ensure the LLs are reviewed and fixed.


Sounds good!

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@Becky_Manson - do you have a screen shot of the workflow/ project sections - I would love to see how you set this up?


Hey sure thing!

There are additional business lines as well but for the ease of the screenshot I have moved the completed section across.

This is what we are finding works for us though I am planning on reviewing and improving this in the new year as this was more of a sticky plaster to start getting LLs onto Asana.


Hi Becky.

During my search along with Lessons-Learned practices on ASANA I stumbled into this forum and your posts and the screenshot of your workflow here - which look really great and seems to be a pretty good way for us, too!

Questions hereto:

  1. Did you worked out this workflow even further as you mentioned within your post?
  2. What is your experience so far? (in case you are still using it!)

Thanks for your feedback!,

Hey @Ben_Steinbichler

We continue to use the above as the basis on the workflow, but have added some more subtasks for steps on following up with lessons learned etc. As well as now added a global element so it splits into 3 global teams as well, copying items into different projects for tracking. However broadly still the same.

It is definitely a trial and error way of working. We built it, tested it, tweaked some bits, but overall the main thing is just making sure people use and feedback on it until it is right.

It seems to work for us anyways!

Good luck on your lessons learned venture!!