So I started a Kickstarter Marketing Company-- and then now I am planning a Kickstarter Campaign, utilizing Asana.
So nobody on the team is using Asana prior
Very few have even heard of Asana by name
I mention this because this means I am introducing a completely brand new concept to a lot of these people-- most of them aren’t even using a project management solution nor even know a solution like this exists.
- I create a separate “team” for each client
- “Kickstarter Client” becomes a team
- If I need to make “Hidden” projects I can do so (because I pay for Asana)
- I invite all team members and the PROJECT CREATOR (which is an outside 3rd party)
- this gives the project creator 100% insight and transparency into the project
- this gives project creator the ability to communicate directly with the people on the project, the copywriters, illustrators, the campaign manager (none of these people which are me btw, i try to stay out of the way)
- normally companies try to obfuscate this process, and just keep the communication with 1 person, your account executive
- but I invited the creator to communicate directly with the team if she wants because that only seems beneficial
- We are utilizing the Project Discussion feature quite well
- Project: “Brianstorm Tagline” – so we use the discussion feature to have a conversation about what the tagline should be, brainstorm ideas-- in this project we don’t even use the “tasks” part of Asana.