Keyboard shortcut [ Command (or Ctrl) + / ] to show keyboard shortcuts

Just discovered this by accident. Great way to view all the possible Asana shortcuts.


Awesome - this is one of the best tips ever! I use bullet points in tasks all the time, except I don’t format it properly, the misalignment has always really bugged me!!

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it´s not working for me. I tried with ff and chrome on windows and osx. Has anyone an idea how it could work for me, too? I am an german user.

Same here, does not work for me, did u figure it out Dennis? I have a german Keyboard aswell.

Nope, leider bisher keine Antwort bekommen und auch keine Lösung gefunden :frowning:

Same as with search shortcut … does not work on German layout. Needs an alternative!

Thanks for reporting this issue @OSTMOST, @Das_Praxisteam, @Markus. I have escalated the problem to our Development Team and I’ll keep you posted as soon as I have an update! Thanks for your help and patience :slight_smile:


What’s going on with that escalation @Marie?

I am encoutering the same issue - and it appears that shortcuts with special characters such as “/” are problematic. @OSTMOST seems to be German, so I am assuming he uses a German keyboard layout like I do - the “/” is actually Shift+7, so the shortcut must be Tab+Shift+7. And this just doesn’t work.

I would suggest @Marie you forward this description to your product + dev team. You should probably only use Latin characters that are likely to be found on any keyboard layout - also non-English. Or support shortcuts with multiple keys. Just as a spoiler - do nor use numbers either if you want to have this feature working with French keyboard :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Same problem here with Italian keyboard, we’re unable to use the search function, which is indeed pretty useful.
A little bit of configurability of the shortcuts would be great.

Would be great to see this fixed for non-english-keyboards … in under a years time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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oh, let’s make that two (!) years

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More than three years by now.

(I am a new user and currently setting up my system. Wondering if Asana was a good choice, because in only two days I discovered a couple of issues where there is no progress for a very long time.)

really cool keyboard short to see all keyboard shorts. I can’t remember when I first saw this. I thought it was here, but not. Also this page needs updating.

There it is. Download a list of keyboard shortcuts in Asana | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

on the page to download the PDF

It still doesn’t work :frowning: Non of combination CTRL + any keys which showing “/” doesn’t work on CZ keyboard. It’s probably the same issue as german keyboard - and it’s not about hardware, it’s about Windows settings.

On the picture below the correct key is marked #1 which is the same keyboard (writting the same character) on CZ as #2 and #3 Even if it’s the same key it doesn’t work.

Dear Asana, please provide a possibility to configure those shortcuts. This is annoying for ANYBODY using non English keyboard layout.

Keyboard shortcuts really changed your working style.
Is am right?