Bullet point shortcut no longer works in Windows

@Marie or anyone else - Is this product update the reason that Ctrl-Shift-8 (i.e. Ctrl-*) no longer works for creating bullets? That has been stumping me for a while - eventually found this thread, so good to figure out how to create bullets with keyboard again - so much faster than using the mouse for formatting options.

FYI the Asana keyboard shortcuts cheatsheet I recently received still lists Cmd-Shift-8 as the shortcut for bullets (I am on Windows so Ctrl always worked for me before). Ctrl-Shift-7 for number lists also no longer works, although Ctrl-Shift-M for monospace still works.

Hi @Sarah_L,

I’ve just tried Ctrl+Shift+8 and Ctrl+Shift+7 on a Windows machine and they’re working just fine for me.

  1. Can you confirm what browser you’re using?
  2. Are you able to reproduce the issue with another browser?
  3. What type of keyboard are you using? QUERTY or AZERTY?

@Phil_Seeman @LEGGO @Bernie_Orelup @Jason_Woods @Julien_RENAUD @Rashad_Issa, @lpb, @Bastien_Siebman, @Charlie_Pilch, @Paul_Grobler, @Matt_Dickinson, @Leonarce

Anyone using Windows able to reproduce this issue?

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Sorry Marie, on my Mac the shortcuts work fine.

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This shortcut is working for me on my Windows machine as well.


Working well on my Windows machine too.

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@Marie, On Mac, even in Chrome Incognito current, Cmd-Shift-7 does nothing while Cmd-Shift-8 works fine, and typing “1. something” works too, so maybe there is some intermittent underlying problem on multiple platforms.


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Both shortcuts are working on my Mac and my husband windows laptop, so sounds like @lpb could be right. I suspect it could be related either to the OS or a browser you’re using.

@Sarah_L, could you please reach out to our support team with the following info:

Thank you n advance for your help and thanks to @Rashad_Issa, @LEGGO, @Julien_RENAUDand @lpb for running some tests!


Windows 10 on mine, chrome v87, working fine with Ctrl+Shift+8

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Hi @Marie,

Thanks for looking into this and prompting me to look into it further. I’ve solved the issue now and will post here in case it will help @lpb and anyone else in the future.

After some testing in my browser (Chrome), Chrome Incognito, Firefox, MS Word, and another computer (same Chrome version, and it worked), I came to the conclusion that it is an issue only on my computer and not limited to Chrome or Asana.

A bit of a Google for other people having problems with Ctrl-Shift-8 led me to a post that suggested checking Chrome extensions: “Load chrome://extensions. Then from the hamburger menu choose keyboard shortcuts. Just reset them for the extensions you want to map.”

That was exactly the issue for me - an extension called “Hangremote” had mapped exactly Ctrl-Shift-8 and Ctrl-Shift-7 for some shortcuts, PLUS had made Ctrl-Shift-8 a global hotkey :roll_eyes: I set it to something else and I am back to being able to use those key combinations as normal now. It could be something else for you @lpb, but likely something is overriding the hotkey combination, so at least you have a direction to look in now.

I realised today how useful that shortcut is to also turn selected lines/paragraphs into bullet points, so creating single bullets would only have “solved” half my problem. Thanks again for your input everyone.



You’re exactly right–my hats off to you! Only on Mac (not on Windows) Voice In Voice Typing extension maps Cmd-Shift-7.

As developer of the Chrome extension Asana2Go I really should have checked this first. Thanks for setting me straight!



@Sarah_L thank you SO much for doing additional research and taking the time to share the solution with us :pray:t3:

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@lpb, @Marie - more than happy to help! :+1: and now I look even more forward to joining the Certified Pro community once I make the time to finish the training :wink:


Yay, looking forward to welcome you to the team @Sarah_L :slight_smile:

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