Like if we want to create a team for our client and invite them as guest users, can we then assign both this client team and our internal team to a project or is this not possible?
Hi @zigojacko
Unfortunately, this is not possible as you’re describing it. However, you are able to multihome tasks from project to project, and those projects can be in different teams.
Thanks for your reply @Mike_Tammaro - are you suggesting to move tasks between projects as and when different teams are required to input or collaborate on them or have I misunderstood your suggestion?
@Mike_Tammaro is correct. You can add tasks to multiple projects.
Here is a guide:
Asana has the capability to have tasks mirror themselves into separate projects. Essentially, you have Task A and are able to have it in Project A and Project B. When Task A is marked completed, it is completed simultaneously in Project A and Project B.
@Paul_Grobler provided an article above that should be able to describe it better!
Oooh I see. Did not know this. Thanks @Paul_Grobler and @Mike_Tammaro - I will take a look.
Hi @zigojacko
I would simply choose the best team to home the project, then either
A) add other team member to just that project or
B) multi-home tasks to other team projects
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