Introducing Project Notes!

Hi Asana community! :wave:

I’m Eileen from the Asana product marketing team. I’m excited to share that we’re launching a new project view called Notes!

This view is super versatile – perfect for meeting notes, keeping important info and links handy, or just jotting down ideas. You can create multiple Notes views in a single project, giving endless opportunities to customize your project!

Turn text into tasks from a Note so you never miss a meeting action item again!


PS: this is being gradually rolled out, but it should be available to all users soon! Thank you! :slight_smile:


Thank you Asana! Been looking forward to the launch of Notes.


It should have tabs on left and should use full screen to keep and drag notes anywhere. Right not it looks like MVP. Looking forward to enriched functionality.

Also as MOM - from usability point of view if i start capturing here, it would convert to task. So people if they need to see the task, they would not come here.

E.g. if i keep MOM here but from MOM i can’t assign task.


Hi @kamleshwar_suri , you can highlight any text in the Notes tab and convert it into a task which will be placed into the project, so it will also be visible in the other view tabs within the same project, such as List, Board etc.


Hi Eileen,

Looking forward to this new addition. Will this be available to all paid plans including the free plan.


Finally :slight_smile: we have been using it for a while and this is definitely useful!

fyi there is a slight bug: if a project has the Note view as default, when mentioning the project elsewhere, the mention displays the link and is never replaced with the project name.

Below are 3 projects mentioned.
CleanShot 2024-06-28 at 08.25.13


Now this is perfect to capture actionable MOM. Thanks.



This is very much welcomed and has so much potential…

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This is a good first step but still miles to go to enable proper project notes. In a typical project we create a lot of notes / documentation, usually 50-200 pages. These notes need structure, not just an endless canvas. Done properly these notes can later transform into something like an Wiki but this again requires structure and navigation. Asana could have easily used the task- sub-task structure to achieve a basic structure. One central note page per project as introduce now seems not ideal. Unfortunately some competitors are way ahead in this area.


That´s a good start. Today we use Microsoft OneNote to do our project brief and minutes of meetings.
Unfortunately Project Brief from ASANA still is very simple, doesn´t have history registers and it doesn´t have control of version or administraion.

IF possible ASANA team has to benchmark some tools that are in the market insted of creating everything from zero.

Microsoft OneNote has features to structure the minutes as we need. And Also has the possibility to backup versions internally and externally.


Hi @TTA_Office, yes, this will be available to all tiers, including Personal/Basic (free) :slight_smile:


Thanks for flagging this, @Bastien_Siebman, I’m passing it on to the Product team!

Editing the comment to let you know that our Product team is currently deploying a fix for this issue, and it should be ready soon! :slight_smile:

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Thank you, Asana. :tada::tada::tada:

This is what I’ve been waiting for.
I’m grateful that this is more useful than I expected.

What’s more, it’s great that it can be used on all plans (starting from free).

Please add Note Tab in Portfolio (including Description as in projects)


Welcome, @Andreas18,

Actually, you can have more than one of these note tabs.



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Felicidades :clap:… muy buena incorporación.

Is this going to have an API so that developers can extend it?


I see, thanks. As I stated, its a step in a good direction but still way to go. Have a look at this in comparison Link. This is the one feature that makes me regret choosing asana from time to time.

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Hi @Bastien_Siebman, just a heads up that the bug with the project link/name has been fixed! Thanks again for flagging that! :slight_smile:


This is great. I’d been using project status updates for this purpose.


Ooooh! I’m super excited for this! Looking forward to moving more things into a centralized location for my team.