How to manually remove fields from your custom field library

It seems I accidentally created a duplicate “priority” field a long time ago, and now, across projects and tasks - users see two “priority” fields.

I’ve managed to remove the duplicate field across as many projects as possible, but it still says it’s being used across one project or template. I cannot seem to find where. Even when I click the custom field info, and I click “applied to 1 project” nothing shows up. Is there a way to manually delete a custom field, even if it’s in use?

You might be able to ask support to tell you about this private project using your field. Or ask each team member to check the custom field gallery view on their end?

I asked across my team - and no one’s able to find the project using it. I also asked support, but they said they weren’t able to find it, or delete the custom field on my behalf. Not sure if you’re able to connect me with a support person who’d be able to help solve this?

If the support can’t do anything, I really don’t have a solution. I believe support hasn’t tried hard enough, maybe slightly push back, asking for a solution?

@Sofia_M… So I accidentally recreated your problem… And I also have a solution for you…

So here goes… Go to any one of your projects and Click on the Customise Button then Fields which will give you a list of fields in your project… like this…

Now if you clck on the Add button in the top right you will get some options one of them is “Browse Library” choose that… You will now get something similar to this…

Now you can search for your Priority Field, once you have found it the column on the Right will show you how many projects it is in… Now in you case it might be Zero or multiple if you now click on that field you will get the follow screen…

The Dashboard Tab is the critical one for you it will show you which projects it has been added to etc… so you can now manually go through and remove it from those projects. When you get to the last project before you delete the field unclick the “Add to xxx field library” that way it will ensure it is deleted from the Library.

If like me your field is not in any project Add it to the project you have gone into and the delete it from that project ensure you unclick the “Add to xxx field library” before you delete it…

Hope this helps… Happy to share more screen shots if that might help…

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