- I am a member of Project A and can see Task X inside it.
- Task X is also multi-homed into Project B which is private - I have no access to it.
- Project B has a custom field which is part of the org’s library.
In task X’s Details pane, I can see that custom field’s value greyed out (because it is in the org’s library and in a project that I don’t have access to). Whether I should see this custom field’s value or not is another debate, but it is the expected behaviour so let’s leave it at that.
Point being, the aforementioned value appears greyed out, prompting that this is ‘read-only’, i.e. I cannot change this value, which makes sense…
BUT the only thing I can ‘change’ is to clear the value of that custom field. Why is that?
For years I have been trying to understand the logic and use cases behind this ability but with no real luck. It has since become a problem on numerous occasions, with users (including myself!) accidentally clearing values of fields that they should not, and theoretically do not, have access to.
My suggestion is to disable this ability from users doing so, i.e. remove the ‘X’ upon hover.
Unless I’m missing a use case that this would actually be preferable…?
It could perhaps be an additional option in the custom field’s ‘Edit field’ settings, which becomes available to checkmark, once the field is added to the library.
Additionally, the tool tip mentions ‘delete the field…’ from the task but that is misleading. It will not delete/remove the custom field from the private project B when I click the X, it will just clear the value. I understand that is a mouthful for a tool tip but…