How to create a list of all tasks within a/specific portfolios??
The “Reports” seem to emphasize on tasks i.e. you cannot specify portfolios, nor use a custom field added to projects in a portfolio…
How to create a list of all tasks within a/specific portfolios??
The “Reports” seem to emphasize on tasks i.e. you cannot specify portfolios, nor use a custom field added to projects in a portfolio…
Hi @Lasse_Olsen and thanks for reaching out!
The Advanced Search does not yet contain a “Portfolio” filter, but if you haven’t yet, I would recommend adding your vote to this other thread: Search/Find Public portfolios - #3 by Melanie_RM I’ll make sure to share some updates as soon as I have any news on this topic!
Hi Marie, redirecting me to a product suggestion that I have written myself back in June does not seem like a solution
Additionally the usecase for this question and the other you are directing me to are a different one.
In “Search/Find Public portfolios” I am asking for the ability to find “public portfolios”. The question in this thread is about being able to list all tasks within a given portfolio.
Any news on this?
@Lasse_Olsen and @Alexander_Court,
If I understand the request, you can click the Dashboard tab for your portfolio and see the default number chart “Total tasks” (or add it if not there):
Just click the number and you’ll be dropped into a search results view with all tasks in the portfolio.
To see tasks across more than one portfolio, use Universal Reporting (in the left sidebar) and with a new chart there you can search by portfolios and choose an arbitrary set and do the same thing otherwise.
Perfect, thank you! Could be a bit easier to find though. I didn’t click it because it looked like a pure statistics item.
Glad that works for you!
I agree. Almost all charts are clickable, for example each bar in a bar chart, but it’s not discoverable.
You could check in Product Feedback for a request and vote, or add your own post there and vote.