Advanced Search no Longer Allows Searching Across Project and Portfolios Simultaneously

The latest advanced search functionality has regressed and no longer allows for searches to filter across both projects and portfolios. For the past couple of years we have used custom searches to extra key business KPI information related to items within projects where the projects are also in a specific portfolio. This has worked great.

The change to the dialog for advanced searches that rolled out a couple of weeks ago now only allows searches for tasks located in projects or in a portfolio. Prior to this tasks could be found that were in a project and and portfolio simultaneously. This is a big reduction in functionality.

Has anyone else had this problem? Are there any know workarounds to this regression?

Thank you!

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Hi @Adam_Morrison

Thank you for sharing your feedback on the Advanced Search. Our product teams always appreciate input from our users, as it helps us continually improve the product for optimal use.

I’m sorry the recent update isn’t quite meeting your expectations, and I’ll make sure your feedback reaches the team.

Thanks again!

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