How to add progress bars to Asana projects

Subtasks update - following up with a few feedbacks from our users, this is how we currently handle subtasks:

  1. Tracking a project with existing subtasks will results in sync of top-level tasks only (meaning subtasks are not included)

  2. Making changes to any existing subtasks OR creating subtasks after the project is tracked will include these subtasks in the progress calculation

This inconsistency has to do with how the Asana API works and the gap between the information returned when querying for project tasks vs. being notified on changes in a project -The later includes subtasks while the prior does not.

We are considering the options we have given the current syncing mechanisms. Our best advice at the moment is to track a project as soon as you create it.
We are aware this is an inconvenience and will update once we make progress on this.

Please note tasks count in Asana Dashboards currently seem to include only top-level tasks as well

Eyal @DoMetrix

Hi @Mark_Hudson,
You’ll be happy to hear we added a share button on the Bar. that’ll make it easy to share the extension with your team :slight_smile:


Nice! I’ll do that right now. :slight_smile:

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CC: @Abby @Sebastien_Levesque @Rashad_Issa

Happy to update that sub-tasks are now fully supported for both scenarios:
(Please re-track your projects if you were affected by this)

  1. Tracking existing projects that already contain sub-tasks

  2. Adding subtasks to tracked projects

Thank you @Diakoptis and the Asana platform team for guiding us in the right direction to overcome this important gap! :wink:


Whoop Whoop! :+1::star2::tada::tada::tada:

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Hooray! DoMetrix FTW :fireworks:

Glad I helped @Eyal_Ronel. Anytime :smiley:

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Amazing, thank you Eyal!




Hi everyone,

With our next small update to our integrated reporting solution, we are now supporting a preview of “Heartbeat” - a pulse check for project task completion, divided into weeks:

To expose the heartbeat graph simply click the Pink heart icon on the left side of the bar, and click one again to close.
You can also hover over the bars to see exact numbers of completed tasks for each week.

To get this updated version simply refresh Asana (ctrl+F5 on Windows OR cmd+r on OSX)

We have a few more surprises coming up, mainly for premium Asana users, so stay tuned!
Eyal @DoMetrix

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Hi @Eyal_Ronel
It seems to be a really interesting feature, but it just doesn’t work…
I see the heartbeat picture, but can’t click on it. I tried to untrack the projects, track them again and refresh the browser, but I still can’t have it works. Is there anything you can do to help me?

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Please email me directly so we can examine this issue -
Please include your OS and chrome versions.

Hi @Sebastien_Levesque,
This seems to be a windows vs mac issue. We will hide the feature for now until we come up with an elegant solution

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We have made a few changes and things should work as described :slight_smile:


Happy to share that DoMetrix is now officially listed on the Asana App/Integrations page - Asana Apps and Integrations • Asana

Thank you @Jeff_Schneider and @Maimoona_Block for your help!


Quick update - now supporting collapsed header in project view :slight_smile:
(refresh Asana for the latest version to load)

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A few bugs fixes were introduced today, including preventing a duplicated progress bar display. (thanks @Sam_Leahey for reporting this)

A new small feature was added - allowing to see overdue task percent directly on the progress bar itself: (refresh / clear browser cache for the updated version)


Anyone else reporting slow loading of the progress bar? Mine can take up to 5 minutes on my PC running Version 64.0.3282.140 (Official Build) (32-bit). My co-worker with a Mac has the same issue.

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It’s been doing that for forever. I just gave up on it. I retry every couple months but it’s the same :frowning: I might just be cursed!


Hi @Ashley_Kay,

We’re looking at this issue now that our user base has grown, to see how we can improve response times.

Eyal @DoMetrix

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Has anybody had trouble with it not allowing it to install or work correctly? I’ve successfully installed the extension and watched the video accordingly. However, my Asana doesn’t have anything allowing me to link it or get the progress bar to show that I can find. It appears nothing has changed on my Asana at all actually.

Does this work only in the premium version? I installed it and nothing appeared in Asasana.

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