How do I shift out project schedule and have all follow on tasks move too

Is there a way to shift out an item in the timeline and have dependencies move as well? Looking to be able to shift out an entire schedule.


Hi there! @Lori_Dunkin
Great question! - The only way to shift out a task/item from your Timeline or Calendar, is by duplicating the task and moving it to another project.

When you duplicate the task, if you check the boxes, the following will carry over:
Task Description, Assignee, Subtasks, Attachments, Tags, Collaborators, Projects, Due Date, Dependencies, Parent Task.

Then, you will be able to add the task to a specific project: How to Complete Task Fields in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide

If you do the same thing at a project level, every task will carry over.

  1. Duplicate the project: Setting Up a Project in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide
  2. Move the duplicated project to a different team in where you’d like to see it: Setting Up a Project in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide

This will basically “shift out an entire schedule”.

Hoping this workaround helps!


Are you trying to push out the dates of (some) tasks? If so, perhaps my posts here:

and here:

might help?

I didn’t understand @_Anthony’s response, but maybe I’ve misinterpreted the question?


Hi @Lori_Dunkin

If you’re looking to select which tasks are moved, the posts @lpb refers to are good solutions for dragging tasks in the timeline to adjust their dates.

If you’re looking for a solution that will automatically move all dependent tasks when you adjust a task date (in any view), then my Flowsana integration does exactly that, so you might want to check that out.

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HI @Lori_Dunkin,

We’re after rolling out a built in solution allowing you to automatically shift dependencies due date when some of your due dates are changed. You can learn more in this two announcements:

Hope this helps!