how can I automatically make someone who has submitted a task through Asana forms a collaborator? I would need this feature to send automatic messages once a status etc. is changed on that task. The workaround is that the person has to be mentioned “@john” in the comment but I was hoping there is also an automated solution.
Asana still only allows due dates and no date ranges for forms or has that changed. Any advice is welcome. Thanks, Carmen
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@Phil_Seeman has the solution with Flowsana, he’ll be able to guide you! Otherwise not possible in Asana, an external tool is required.
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Hi @anon51643663,
Yes, as @Bastien_Siebman indicated, the Forms Support feature of our Flowsana integration can do both of those things: it allows you to assign a start date as well as due date (and thus a date range) based on information the submitter includes on the form; and it has an option to add the form submitter as a collaborator. See this KB article for more info on Flowsana’s Forms Support feature.
Did you end up allowing guests to be added or not?
Well, guests who are in the workspace/organization can be added as a collaborator. But I know you’re referring to guests who are NOT in the workspace/org.
Flowsana won’t add those currently. I still plan to probably support that, but haven’t done it yet due to the complications involved if the person doesn’t have an Asana account at all.
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