How Asana’s Product Team uses Asana

Here at Asana, we use the Asana product to manage our work, all day every day. We’re working creatively with Asana to manage our workflows, just like you are!

That said, I wanted to share some insights into how the Product team at Asana uses Asana and, more importantly, get to know some of your Product team’s workflows in the comments below! :arrow_down:

How does your Product team use Asana?

We would love to hear how you use Asana in your Product team!

Do you build out your product roadmap using Asana? Check out our Help Guide for resources on how to build a roadmap in Asana: How to use Asana for product roadmaps | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

Are you currently managing customer feedback in Asana? With Forms, it’s super easy: How to track and manage customer feedback | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

Check out our Project templates made specifically for Product teams like yours:

:arrow_down: Share your tips and tricks below, ask questions and let our Community know how your team is bringing products to market while using Asana! :arrow_down:

How does Asana’s Product Team use Asana?

At Asana, as our Product team works with many different functions, channels, and locations, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of who should be doing what and by when.

This is where Asana comes into play. Not only do our Product team spend their days working on amazing new features for our users, they do it all in Asana! :sparkles:

From :running_woman:t2: sprint planning, to :world_map: product roadmaps, to :speaking_head: customer feedback and :bug: bug tracking, it’s all carried out in Asana. Here are some of our Product team’s favourite features that help them bring the Asana product to life.

  • "Workload helps me see what the team is working on at any given time so I can determine their bandwidth to take on additional work. When high priority tasks come up, I can easily shift work around between designers in the Workload view and reprioritize deadlines and timing.”

  • “My favorite feature is boards. It’s nice to have the entire production process laid out in a visual way. I have my projects set up so that each board column represents a different phase of work, from pre-production to post.”

  • “I use dependencies a lot! It’s a great way to signal to my collaborators that my work is blocked and I’m waiting for more information. Also I love that when I look through My Tasks, Asana flags the tasks that aren’t ready to be started yet using the dependency icon. It’s a great visual cue for what I can skip for now versus what’s ready to get started.

:thinking: Do you use any of the same workflows that our Product team uses here at Asana? What features do you use the most on your Product team? Our Community wants to know! :speech_balloon:


For projects that demand tighter time control, dependencies really make a difference for project management!

I also love automation features. They save a load of time and clicks. =)


We are introducing Asana to get a view on the IT projects of the different entities within our companies.
For this we are moving to standard lay-out of Portfolios and these Portfolios are accessible to all IT staff.
The projects itself are used by each IT manager as he/she prefers to work.
By applying this approach I am trying to increase the usage of Asana as well as increasing our project management maturity


We are currently using a lot the views of boards and schedules in different projects … on the one hand we use in each area or circle (we have a holocracy scheme) a “project map” to be able to assign the tasks to that team and to accommodate it in your “Backlog, to do, doing done” dashboard.

At the same time, that same task created is located in another project but where we use the schedule view a lot since different teams intervene in a project at different times. In this way we have a map of the project in schedule mode and each area has its task boards.

Being able to make the tasks appear in more than one project gave us this advantage of how to view the tasks. At the same time, dependencies are a great thing!


Thanks for sharing, @Denis_Sooma :slight_smile: I also love the automations! Custom Rules in My Tasks has changed my life! :raised_hands:t2:

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This sound great, @Ronny_Lion! Using Portfolios to provide high level views of projects is key :key:

Thanks for sharing, @Ariel.Nicolás.Pont! Multi-homing tasks is also one of my favourite features! :sparkles: