Historical task metrics for reporting?


I need to get a handle on trends in (e.g.),

  • “tasks completed late” (within a particular period)
  • “average lateness of tasks at completion” (within a particular period)
  • “total tasks completed” (within a particular period)
  • “average duration of completed tasks” (within a particular period)

Firstly, these are numbers that will/should change daily, as tasks are completed or become overdue. So there is a need to access the values for a historical particular point in time and bucket; and to group/filter by Assignee, Task Section, Project, Team, etc.

Can Asana (or anything else) provide these metrics usefully, or do I need to pull all the raw historical/ongoing task data via the REST API, and compile them myself?

TIA for any insight! :sparkling_heart:

Hi @Matt_Blais,

Asana does not currently have any reporting that really tells you if a task that has been completed was overdue when it was completed. Some users create an Asana report that shows them tasks due in the last 7 days and then look at the due dates to determine if anything was grossly overdue, but it’s not fail-proof.

If you have PowerBi, I would recommend trying that route. Velocity is also an option, but I’m not sure if it will pull the information the way you are looking for it.

Good luck!

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Hey @Matt_Blais. @Christine_Bolton gave great references. You can also look at https://bridge24.com/

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Hi @Matt_Blais Screenful add-on for Asana can show trends of tasks completed and their average cycle times. You can learn more from these tour pages:

You can also create a report that shows tasks that are overdue, or were completed overdue. “average lateness of tasks at completion” is something we don’t support at the moment but it is something we might be able to include in not too distant future.

Hi! For one of your requirements, you can now see tasks completed in time periods. We call this “Group by Time Period” and it’s a new feature available in the Reporting dashboards on the left hand side (you’ll have a new option for the X-axis of charts):

Hope that helps!


Not a great resource manager if I can’t report on tasks/assignees that are failing on timing. Is this a topic that can be researched/addressed by Asana Engineers?

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Hey @Daniel_Iversen,

This time period feature is great, but when filtering to overdue tasks it only accounts for tasks that are currently overdue, not ones that were at some point historically overdue (before they were marked complete or the due date was changed).

For reporting, it would be really useful if there was a way to show tasks that went overdue at some point in their timeline - would this be possible?
