Team Member Analytics on Completed Tasks

We would like Asana to have a more robust reporting tool, to show us how many tasks a member is completing within a specific time frame. How long it takes to complete each task. Maybe even an average time to completion for each team member and team to complete a task.

Hi @John Lennon! :wave:

You can run an Advanced Search to see the tasks that has been completed by a specific member within a specific time frame. I’ve attached a screenshot to show you the steps to do it:

I’ve chosen to filter the due date as “within the last 7 days” since you can save this search as a Report to use it regularly if you like to.

If you are under a Business or Enterprise Plan, you can also use Workload View from your Portfolio, to have closer look into what your team is working on across projects .

I would also recommend you to check out the third-party integration Asana2go created by @lpb that may be able to provide you with a solution as well.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any follow-up questions.

Have a great Thursday!


Where is the advanced search option?

@John_Lennon, Advanced Search is a paid feature (Premium, Business). Click the search box in the top right header of Asana and Advance Search appears as a menu item there.

And yes, Asana2Go is a very flexible reporting tool based on selections you make in Asana (in projects, search results, My Tasks, etc.) Other third party reporting tools may also be of interest to you:


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