Google Drive forces sign in for every attachment, lists every file shared with me instead of my own files, search doesn't immediately return exact match

  1. Every time I need to add a file stored in Google Drive to a task in Asana, I have to re-sign into Google to authorize it. Appears to be the same both the web browser and app versions of Asana.

  2. When I do sign in, I get a listing of ALL Google Drive folders shared with me, in either date modified order or alphabetical sort. It doesn’t display just my personal Google Drive folders. I am an Admin in our Google Drive account so I’m met with an overwhelming amount of files/folders that were edited/modified in my whole Google Workspace account.

  3. The search function appears to only search the very first letter that I type, it doesn’t auto-complete with options of folders that match what I’m typing. I have to scroll down about 50% to find an exact match to what I’m searching, for example I search “ABC | Monthly Report” and I have a folder named exactly that, it still is not returned at the top of the list, I have a plethora of individual files listed containing some part of what I searched, folders with partial matches and then about 50% down the list I can find the exact folder.

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