[Forms] Use Forms to edit a prior submission (for example, make changes on the answer)

Is there a way that we can use Forms to Edit an existing Task in a Project?

For eg. when a team member wants to submit a work request, they can use the forms to add a new request. However, once the requested is submitted and if the person who submitted the request want to make any changes, is there is a way to do this other than making those changes directly in the project.


Hi @Joe_Dcruz1. Welcome to the forum. I understand your question, and unfortunately there is no present method to use Forms to edit a prior submission (ex - existing task). The only way would be to go into the task itself and make the changes or incorporate a Rule that will edit the task based on comments, or field updates. But they are all internal to the task. If you find the potential to regularly have to revise/change prior work requests, it may be worth adding this question to ask in your Forms to help flag it?

Hi @Joe_Dcruz1, thanks for reaching out!

This is a very good question and as @Bernie_Orelup mentioned it’s currently not possible to edit a prior submission using forms. I’ve gone ahead and moved your thread to the #productfeedback category to allow other users to upvote for this feature!

+1000! You can do this with Google forms; it’d be great if we can get this feature added to Asana form.

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Can you use google forms to update the task in Asana? How do you trigger the google form to go out to third parties?

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Hey @anon41777949 have a look here Google forms - how do sync with asana?

and https://tray.io/connectors/google-forms-asana-integrations, Asana | Tray Documentation

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Can you use a new form to update the task the form is embedded in? For example, the issue I have is, when a client wants to book a consultation call in calendly, I have a zap that creates a new task in asana with the client details from the calendly submission. This submission also has a link to the asana form which is used during the consultation call. Currently on completing the form, a new task will be created for that client, duplicating the calendly submission task but with more information.

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Hi @Abisola_Ifasawo, thanks for your good question. I do not believe what you described is possible at this time. However, to lend your support to this feature request, feel free to vote for it at the top of this thread if you have not yet done so. :+1:


Has there been any progress in making this a product feature?

I encountered the same needs. Hopefully Asana team can share some good news soon.