Expand All Comments by default

I want all comments expanded by default, all the time. This should be set in the Windows executable (and all versions of Asana), so folks don’t have to use a Chrome extension to get this functionality.

Doesn’t the existence of Chrome extension clue in the developers that this might be a needed feature?


This issue is NOT solved by the Chrome extensions or bookmarklet described in these comments. On all the other screens (Firefox, Windows Desktop, Mac Desktop, iOS, Android, etc.) those solutions don’t apply. We need to have a feature update from Asana. Can someone from Asana please remove the “Solved” checkmark above, and see that this highly-requested feature is on your roadmap?


@EyeCodeYou, thank you for your contribution. I removed the checkmark. The ask is definitely for built-in functionality as described by @Matthew. Please vote above, if you have not done so already and would like to support this feature request. I voted for it as well.:+1:

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You’re right @EyeCodeYou!
This is not the point, but I’d like to just mention that bookmarklets work on any browser, be it Chrome or Firefox.

I would like to proposed the option globally to show all comments and also show the full comment within tasks all the time.

Needing to click “more comments” and “see more” each time you go to a ticket is very repetitive, it’s also easy to “miss” comments you’re scrolling through trying to find, since the “more comments/see more” text link is the same size/style as normal blue links within a task, it looks as if it’s already part of a comment.

One of the best features about Basecamp was seeing everything in a ticket at once. The way I typically use tickets (for web development) is always referencing items in previous comments, or after quickly opening up a task, pressing “CMD + F” to search/find something by the keyword I search… you can’t do this in Asana, because those comments are hidden, you have to open the ticket scroll up or down to “try to find” that more comments link, expand it then scroll up/down/search again. And every time you re-visit that ticket, you have to press “see more” and click “more comments” every time.

In addition to this, for tasks with longer comments/length, having some option to quickly jump to the top or bottom of the ticket. (In basecamp, if you double clicked anywhere within the whitespace of the page on the top 5% or bottom 5% of the page, the page would scroll all the way to the top or the bottom)

Unlike my other request of having an activity feed of all your own work done/comments made, this request seems a lot less development work.

Just show everything in the task at once without having to expand/see more/more comments every time repetitively.

Please upvote. Bump.

Can I have some sort of response please?

This is extremely annoying opening tickets and needing to literally scroll to find what I’m looking for because you collapse peoples comments in a ticket.

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This frankly hostile UI design is a common feature on websites like Facebook, whose value to their customers (advertisers) depends on user engagement as measured in clicks. Getting the user to click to read more comments is a cheap way to measure/demonstrate how interested they are, and make it a more “interactive” experience. The thing is, Asana isn’t Facebook. Its value depends on how useful it is as a tool. If it’s a good tool, it should be reducing the friction between the user and their objective. And unlike Facebook, on Asana the users (not advertisers) are also the customers.

At my company, we use the comment section in our project management tools (which currently include Asana, and in years past included Trello and Redmine) to

  • clarify task requirements and status,
  • link to relevant documentation,
  • update with new developments and insights,
  • conduct hardware and software reviews,
  • document reasoning/justification for certain decisions,
  • and more!

I think it would be fair to say that these are not particularly exotic tasks for an organization using a collaborative project management tool to need to perform. So…does this design decision reduce friction between us and getting them done? No, it does exactly the opposite. It does the opposite extra hard when I click to expand a single truncated comment (“See More”) and then click to unhide the remaining comments (“x more comments”), only to have to click to expand the same comment again because it got re-truncated, and I still have to individually click on every other non-trivial comment to follow the conversation. Zero of those clicks should be necessary; I already deliberately clicked on the task and scrolled down to the comment section.

I accept that there may exist individuals who prefer to have their tools actively working against them, or who never care to read what anyone else (or they themselves) wrote in a business context if the conversation exceeds three tweets. So, I mean, I’d be okay with having a checkbox in the user settings called “enable dystopian UI” that we can choose to uncheck. The ever-optimistic side of me dreams that maybe someday it could even fix some other things…but definitely this first.


And Asana seems to ignore literally every product feature request, where they close you’re additional requests out, and linking it to a 3-4 year old thread where they STILL haven’t fixed the issue/implemented new feature.

It is extremely frustrating going to a task, and pressing CMD + F to find something you know is there, but it’s not because all of the comments/activity in the task is collapsed… and you have to “See More” EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. you open the task. Hello, ever hear of cookies?

This is absolutely ridiculous.

Hey @Colin_PB, I invite you to take a look at the recent product updates and also this post.

So, is this not a feature yet? This really needs to be! I have a task with literally hundreds of comments that have to be expanded individually to read the notes. I want to just completely disable the need for “see more” and instead just show all of everything on every task. It is insane that people have been requesting this for years and nothing exists yet?

First, thank you, David_Hauslaib, for linking the Asana Expander extension. It works currently in my Chrome-based browser to automatically 1) show all Task comments and 2) show all of each Task comment in Asana.

Second, I still would really, really love to set “show all of all comments” in my user settings, so that it would be possible to easily skim all Task comment history a) in any browser and b) even for people who cannot or will not install browser extensions such as this one.

(The reasons for this are numerous and important, and have been adequately described others above, so I will not repeat. Suffice it to say that, for my use case, it is vastly better to be able to see all comment content in the comments. I even find it very hard to believe that this would not be the predominantly most useful setting. Therefore, even if the default would stay the same, a user-setting to “always show all of all comments” would be a very welcome addition.)

Please add a button that lets you ‘expand all comments’ within a task. One of my coworkers asked me today if I was crazy because I had missed one of his comments that were hidden in Asana. I had to scroll through the history and keep expanded the comments to get to the important detail that I kept telling him wasn’t there. The missing of information has happened many times because of this feature. I don’t mind it condensing, just give us an option to expand all.

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Every dang day! This feature was requested FIVE years ago.

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Forgot to mention I use the MacOS app, so the Chrome extension is not an option.

The lack of an Expand All (comments plus the “Show More” in comments themselves) absolutely torments my team and our whole company every day. I’m just finding out about this Asana Forum and I guess that’s how most people are or else this product feedback suggestion would have absolutely blown up!


It’s seriously unbelievable that this is not an option yet. This kills any possibility of engagement from casual users, because people who don’t actively use Asana every day get confused by this - and regardless, it’s simply not intuitive. Pinning comments is not a good alternative.

What a horrible default solution, straight up user hostile. I’ll be perfectly honest, what’s holding me to Asana right now is how many tasks I already have there and that I dread migrating them onto another system.

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Your post was in 2018 and here we are in 2024 with no upgrade? I am constantly have to tell people to look for the “see more” link because the posts are hidden. It’s very frustrating. I’ve starting using email more because of this.


Please please please add this feature!

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