Please allow the comments to be sorted with the most recent comments shown at the top, so we don’t have to scroll down a long list of comments to find the latest ones. This should really be the default, but at least available as an option.
I also agree with other comments about collapsing the history. This information is rarely needed in day to day interaction with a task, but can take up a lot of space on the screen.
A vote also for being able to edit the comments, for simplicity of the record, so it’s not necessary to have a separate comment for every single minor change, and information can be updated within a comment if it changes where an audit of changes is not required.As others have said, you could still have a history of edits made.
This is by far the most frequent point of annoyance for me in working Tasks in Asana. Some of our tasks can take a while to resolve and the ability to quickly see the comments in order of the most recent ones first would be fantastic.
Also, I find myself frequently going in and deleting the minor change notes on each task (from myself) to keep the flow of comments clean. Needing to scroll past Due Date changes and such makes following the comments a bit disjointed. Having a separate location that this information could be available would be a better option.
That is a very valid point Patrick! An easy way to overcome this without changing your way of thinking would be to always pin the last comment. This is of course working with the assumption that the latest comment is always the most relevant.
In my user case, I made sure that the last comment is pinned to the top and includes any items carried over from a previous note… in this practice I am sort of making historic comments redundant.
I hope this work around helps you a bit!
I fully agree there should be a setting to reverse comment order.
Pinning the latest comments to the top is too time consuming if you have tasks which generate a lot of comments / feedback
This is the sort of functionality that should have been adopted from the word go. It always annoys me that I have to scroll down all the way in order to see most recent comment. Asana please make this happen and whilst you’re at it can you also include an option to add files/images in the drop down menu attached to a comment.
While you’re reversing the order of things, it would be nice if the change history, which accumulates above the comments and quickly pushes them out of sight, were placed after the comments. It’s nice that it’s so handy, but I rarely need to look at it.
All these comments make sense.
Since you started makind the UI nicer, loads of white space have been added. Looks cool, but history, seldom-looked-at, needs to be compressed in fewer pixels so it does not take up so much space.
Uploads, while it’s nice to know when and by whom they were done, they don’t need a link which is already available in the filenames.
Avoid the redundant access/link sindrome of windows. There needs to be only one path to access stuff, the perfect path.
I love this app but haven’t moved 100% to it because (perhaps to my OCD?) of the backwards stacking of comments.
If there are a lot of comments in a task, I have to scroll down to see the last one. I’ve only seen that here, everywhere else across the web uses the same “last one in, first one out” concept of stacking.
So, ideally the most current comment or note should be at the top of the list/stack and one should not have to scroll down to see it.
Sure, maybe it’s me but I have to change my whole way of thinking from everything else I know to look at the bottom of the list for the most current comment/note.
Ironically enough I had to scroll ALL THE WAY to the bottom of these comments to find the most recent one to determine if this feature had finally been resolved. Ironically enough, I think my actions show that even here it has not.
I second that - why would anyone want the oldest comments at the top. The top part as the details, where notes are meant to view the latest, that is how most people work, anyway. Obviously this is one of those features that is easy to implement but it is the lack of listening to the communication. Over a year old now…
I am so surprised that this hasn’t been implemented yet. Please make this happen. The most recent comments should be at the top of the task history–it should all be in descending order. This is how every newsfeed works from Facebook to Instagram to Twitter. Look at any news site and the most current events are at the top of the page. Old news is old news. Put the current and fresh information at the top! Thank you.
We are also running into the same problem. The key for our task management system is to know what’s happening recently, so either a way to sort comments in reverse order or at least a way to “compress” the older comments (eg only show most recent 5 and hide the rest in an expandable line). This is my first time using the community feature, so open to suggestions on how we can help to escalate this feature request.