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HEAR HEAR. Add this ability, please.

Literally, almost a dealbreaker! (At least, for my co-founder and partner). Everything else about Asana is perfect, but everything that happens in ongoing tasks happens in the comments. It’s extremely and utterly confusing and counterintuitive to have to click the link to expand what happened just a few hours ago.

Is this so difficult to do? I find the number of clicks I have to do in Asana excessive to the point that I avoid using it. I only do use it because our agency uses it, but what might be a very good product is hidden behind this flaw.

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So… this feature has been clamoured for, since 2018
that and fixing the stupidly small text size… and I seriously doubt there’s not a fairly easy solution for that (font-size:18px ???; )

Case in point… I’ve been waiting for over a week for some updates on a task, so I could move forward on my portion of it. I’ve had tonnes of other things to do, so I didn’t bug the other dev about it, until way too late.

Turns out, it was done a week ago, but hidden behind a small More Comments link, easily missed while scrolling through the task. And now I look like an *hole and am suddenly behind in a big task. Yes, I get my responsiblity in this, but Asana is supposed to be the fix for this kind of task management issue, not the cause

Spend a little less time on flying unicorn animations and fix some core fn functionality…Get it together, Asana, FFS.


I’m back again 9 months later still wishing that Asana would fix the “3 more comments”-type link that’s buried and new users cannot find (and even some veterans). Too bad I can’t vote for this again or I would.

Can someone at Asana explain why they are ignoring this thread?

That’s a trick question!

Seriously, that Asana hasn’t implemented a feature request doesn’t mean they’re ignoring it. There are many threads here and Asana commits to update them when they have new info. Other ways they pay attention to inputs here and elsewhere are documented elsewhere in the Forum.



bumping this poor thread

For the love of Pete, please, please, FIX THIS UX ISSUE.