Enterprise onboarding

Hi. I’m a virtual assistant to a company that has just upgraded to enterprise. I do not have a company email, but I’m trying to coordinate an onboarding call with a customer service associate (from what I read, that’s part of the deal). I need to set this up for next week but I am not getting any responses when I submit tickets in the system. I assume because my email address is linked to a free account currently, the way it is being queued is putting me at dead last. I really need to talk to someone, but there are no phone numbers listed for customer service. Please assist.

Welcome to the Forum @Jessica_Back and thank you for reaching out!

I’ve liaised this internally and I got a confirmation that we have received your request and we have contacted you back via email.

I’m closing this thread but please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with! Have a great week!

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