Invitee not receiving email to join - help please!

We have been trying to add a new team member since 2/1/24. They are not receiving the email invitation. Our IT department have checked and there is no record of any email being sent, We have tried re-sending, copying the join link and still nothing. We have 7 seats available on our plan, please help!


It should be ok if they don’t receive the email, they simply should sign up with Asana and will end up in the account you invited them in.


Thank, but this does not work. The team member is asked to verify their email. The verification email never comes through so they cannot sign in.
Any other advice please?

I guess you have no choice but contact support; sorry.

I am experiencing the same problem. I have been invited twice to join a team and have received 0 emails. I have opened a ticket but have not heard back from support. Meanwhile, I am running up against a deadline.

Hi Bastien, I had a trial account under my work email which has expired. Now I have been invited to join a work team on Asana with the same email. Could this be the problem? I cannot access my old account because I am not an individual payer?

When you log into Asana with that email, what do you see? you don’t see that account and that team? The email itself is only a notification, if you were properly invited, you should be able to navigate to that team.

Hi Everyone,

We are having the same issue. When we try to create the Asana account using our official account, we do not receive the authentication code email. May I know what could be the reason for it?

Note that I have checked my spam folder and nothing is there…