Email address for a Task? Forward email to a Task

I know how to email a new task to a project. However, how do I get the unique email address to forward an email directly to a task? i.e. I email the the task (which resides in the project) and the contents/attachments are inserted. Thank you, Steve

Hi @anon47976160,

This is not currently possible in Asana. You can vote for this capability here:

@Phil_Seeman This can’t be true, I literally just emailed (slightly altered email)
added Test 1.2…3… to the body of the email and it went directly into the comments of the Task. I just don’t know how to get the specific email address of the Asana Task.

@anon47976160, it’s not a supported feature. That’s the first I’ve seen of someone being able to update a comment via email; how did you come up with that email address???

@Bastien_Siebman @lpb You haven’t seen this, have you?

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Since the email interface can do this, then I’m guessing one could discern the address and reuse that but, as you pointed out, it’s not a supported feature.



So when I get the automated Asana task assignment email and reply to it (I use outlook)…it shows the task specific email address. If I continue to forward emails to that email address it adds as new comments to the task. Would be great to be able to do a right mouse click on any task and be able to copy the Task email address…new feature?

Here’s a thread for that capability; you can add your vote to it:

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