Edit only assigned tasks

it could be possible to let a member edit only the assigned task and not a task assigned to another member?

Thank you

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Hi Erika!

Welcome, hopefully we can answer your question.

If you go to your Asana Admin page you will find 3 dots to the right of the user name who you want to restrict access to. Click the dots and select Limited Access Member. This type of member can see projects and tasks they’re assigned but cannot see into other projects and teams. Its not perfect but I hope it helps.


Welcome to the Asana Community Forum, @Erika2!

Adding to what @anon6244509 mentioned, you can change the permissions for some project members and change them to Comment only. This will allow them to only edit task that are assigned to them. You can find more details in this article: Project permissions | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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