Don't truncate CSV project exports

Hi @Liz_Ziser, thanks for reaching out!

At this time, there is no Asana native workaround to exporting more than 2000 rows from a project. We do have an existing thread in the #productfeedback category for this feature so I’ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.

Hopefully this is something our Product team can look to implement in the future. I’ll let you know if I have any updates :slight_smile:

I’m afraid that Asana2Go won’t help with this limitation; perhaps one of the other third-party solutions can…


So much for the spirit of open-source :confused:

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This answer just solved all our problems and saved our hide! Purchased Bridge24 and it’s fantastic! Exports everything (Tasks, subtasks, custom fields, comments, etc), and no truncating. We were using the as the data source for our Tableau visualizations about the progress on our project and when we realized we were missing everything beyond 2,000 rows just about fell out of our chair. Thank You so much for this recommendation!!


Hi Bastien,
Did you write code for the API to extract tasks to google sheets or excel ?
If so could you let me know what i could do and what it would cost ?

I messaged you privately @Dimitri_Moens

Good news everyone… there is no longer a cap on CSV exports! You can now export more than 2,000 rows :tada:

We have begun to roll this out to users so if you don’t have this feature just yet, you will soon!