Document Review Glitches

Important note: To help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible, please ensure to fill out all the sections below. Do not share any private information such as email addresses or phone numbers - This is a public Forum!

Briefly describe (1-2 sentences) the Bug you’re experiencing: Whenever we review documents, especially PDFs attached to tasks, there are glitchy spots. Sometimes words appear scrambled, often there are chunks missing from letters, but the documents do not actually look that way in real life.

Steps to reproduce: View PDF attached to a task

Browser version: This is happening in the desktop app

What version of Asana are you using (Basic/Premium/Business/Enterprise)? Business (I believe - the organization handles it)

Upload screenshots below: This is not working. I have tried pasting a screenshot here and it’s coming through as text.

Hi @Elfin_Jackson, sorry to hear about this trouble. To confirm if this is a Desktop issue can you please reinstall the app? Also, can you test in an incognito browser window and let me know if the issue persists?

I am running into issues with PDFs as well.
It’s squishing words together on the PDF.
As you zoom out, there’s less squishing.

I am running into this issue on the desktop and Google Chrome (both regular window and incognito). If I download the file it’s fine.
It looks like as you make the view smaller the text does appear more normal.

It is working fine on the Asana iPhone app and Asana website on Safari.

See screenshots below…I just see it pasting links to them. I’m hoping they come through.
