Customization of Update Status options / Icons

Natalia, can you post a link to the other thread? Our team is interested in the ability to customize Project/Portfolio status.

Throughout our organization, we tend to use four levels for project status:

  • Green
  • Amber Green (appears yellow)
  • Amber Red (appears orange)
  • Red

This forces people to lean one way or the other between an on/off track dichotomy. Itā€™d be great if Asana would let you set the number/color/name of the status levels that are available to users in a given organization.

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Hi @Trey_Csar, welcome to the Asana Community Forum and thanks for sharing your feedback with us! We already have a thread on this topic so Iā€™ve gone ahead and merged your post with the main request to consolidate feedback!

I would LOVE it if Asana could make it to where the Status Updates stick to the project rather than the whole team. I have several projects under my team and the status updates need to be specific to one team but not the others. However, any changes to the status updates at all will affect the entire team rather than just that one project.

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Hi @Desiree_Walczak, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:t2:

As it stands, itā€™s not possible to provide a status update to a Team, status updates can be provided to projects. Could you please provide some more details so I can make sure I understand your request fully? :slight_smile:

Gladly! So, what I mean is, I have certain status updates I need to add that are only pertinent to one project but they do not apply to my other projects. For example: I would like to have the red status mean both ā€œNot Startedā€ and ā€œNeeds Recordedā€ because one will apply to most of my teams but the other will only apply to one team. I can certainly do different colors but that will lead to a whole mess of colors if I do it that way. If I could create one set of status updates that I can apply to one project and not the other, that would be fantastic. Hope that makes sense!

Thanks for getting back with that clarification, @Desiree_Walczak! We do have an existing thread in the #productfeedback category for this request so Iā€™ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback - I hope you donā€™t mind! :slight_smile:

Hopefully this is something our Product team can implement in the near future. Iā€™ll keep you updated on the main thread if I have any updates! :slight_smile:

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Please help me customize the status name of the project as it suits my organization. Currently the only options available are " ā€˜On Trackā€™, ā€˜At riskā€™, ā€˜Off Trackā€™, ā€˜On Holdā€™ ". I would like to be able to change it as per our project needs. Please let me know if these changes are available now as I see some previous post about the same from last couple years.

Hi @anon96559668, welcome to the Asana Community Forum! We already have a thread on this topic so Iā€™ve gone ahead and merged your post with Customization of Update Status/Icons - #25 by Rebecca_McGrath to consolidate feedback.

This has been many years of requesting. Please add the ability to customize these fields. Thank you.


I want to add my 2 cents in here. I would really love to be able to custom the status updates:

Some ideas:
Pending Project/Scheduled



I use Asana to manage prƩ-sales teams projects and follow up sales team not just about the conclusion of project but also if the project has been sold or not. The Asana already have the conclusion button in project status and i think that if it had another option to set if project were sucess or not ll be usefull fature.

Hi @Roger_Luz_Giacomelli , welcome to the Asana Community Forum and thanks for sharing your feedback with us! As it stands, itā€™s currently not possible to customize project status options. We already have a thread on this topic so Iā€™ve gone ahead and merged your post with Customization of Update Status/Icons to consolidate feedback!

We definitely would benefit IMMENSELY from being able to do this, as long as the status options show up in a search in some fashion.

We need to be able to look up the status of all our projects, based on owner and ā€œdue dateā€.

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Need a way to have more statuses for the Project Status. It would be great if this was something that was customizable for the user. On Track, at Risk, Off Track and On hold is not a wide enough variety. Would love to see statuses like Future Project, Research, Approval, On Track, On Hold, Off Track, Completed, Declined, etc.

Hi @anon25809276, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

While this feature isnā€™t available at this time, hopefully itā€™s something our Product team can implement in the future

We do have an existing thread for this feature request in the #productfeedback category so Iā€™ve gone ahead and merged your post with the existing one to consolidate feedback.

Iā€™ll keep you posted and let you know if I have any updates :slight_smile:

While Asana does offer a good amount of statuses, but would be incredible if there was a feature that allowed you to create a custom status. Something we are struggling with currently are easily identifying customers who have churned within our Asana projects without having to use outside reporting other than Asana to cross reference which is extremely manual. If there was a way to create a custom status, our team would be able to easily label churned customers (among other statuses we would deem helpful) to be able to easily obtain data on these customers.

Hello @anon997558, welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

You might wanna have a look at this recommendation: Custom Status Updates - #2 by lpb


Yeah I did already see that post! Thank you for the suggestion. I do mean the status as a whole not just a special field though. One that would show when pulling reports that show different status colors on the report.

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