Custom "Template Fields" When Using a Project Template

Hi there,

I think is would be great if when we set up a Project Template in Asana, we can also set up custom “Template Fields”. What I mean by this is not the current custom field setup, but rather some fields you fill in when you use the template that will update the description of the template tasks.

For example, if I have a project template to add a new branch to our organization, one of the Template Fields could be “Branch Name”. Then, in the task descriptions, I can put a field identifier like &BranchName, and the task description would be created with the actual branch that I put in that Template Field.

I.E. I have a task “Purchase Furniture for &BranchName Branch” in the Project Template, and I set the Branch Name field to “River Heights”. When the project is created from the template, the final task name will read as “Purchase Furniture for River Heights Branch”.

My apologies if something like this already exists. I couldn’t find anything on it, but I think it would be a great addition to Asana standard functionality if it does not. (I also assume there’s some addon that might allow for this, but I’m still going to suggest this for standard Asana functionality.)


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Variables for project templates