Custom hex colors

If additional colors are not added, can a feature be installed that would allow users to select multiple colors to display content with greater contrast? For example, instead of a donut graph displaying metrics in various shades of the same color, could the user select multiple of the available colors so that the metrics are displayed with more contrast? This would make the graphs easier to see/read and prevent misunderstanding or frustration when disseminating these progress reports with other departments!


Hello, Thank you for posting this. Is it possible to give me tips on which classes you used especially for the tasks themselves? I will greatly appreciate it if you can share with me a part of the CSS file you have created.
Thank you,

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This is the single biggest feature request I have. Iā€™m a freelancer and I have way more clients than there are colors available. Iā€™d love to be able to set a custom hex code for each project so I can clearly differentiate my tasks by client in the calendar view.

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Jesus, i guess the are just ignoring this thread altogether.

@Marie - Has there been any development on this? It really should be quite straight forward to implement and as others have mentioned since the reduction to 16 colours itā€™s really causing issues with tracking project tasks.

I would like to request ASANA to allow users to create their own custom color palettes. To be used wherever they want (custom fields, etc).

Colors are very personal denote different emotions. Thus, ASANA forcing users to use ASANAā€™s choice of colors is brutally against great user-experience.

ASANA could offer their own set of different color-palettes. But users should also be able to define their own user-palettes. And more than one if possible.

I use a certain brown color that I cannot find in ASANA, and other types of yellow. And this is not good.


I still see no way to color-differentiate the weekends. Who can help, very frustrating

Still nothing ???

S E :heart: E N
F U :croissant: K I N G
Y E :star: R S

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My team and I were looking for an option to color code our projects and tags with colors that is not currently an option in Asana. We think it would be a great idea if users could create their own colors in Asana. We wanted this option for our creatives on the team who like to use our branded colors as much as possible. The concept is similar to how you can create your own colors in Canva by using the Hex color code. Could this be considered for future upgrades?

Welcome, @Ashley_Best,

Iā€™ve merged your post into an existing thread where you can click the title to scroll to the top and vote by clicking the purple Vote button.

