Custom Fields in My Tasks

Do we have an ETA for this feature?


Yes - this is definitely needed! Any updates on whether this is being considered?

Definitely a feature that is needed. Voted!

We would love this feature as well!

Looking forward for this feature, i am really happy that Asana keeps on updating

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We definitely need this feature!

After we started to build our team workflow with Custom Fields, we found it very inconvenient that those fields don’t show in My Tasks. That makes PM has to keep switching between project list and team member’s list unless we export the list of tasks for every single team member.

I understand that because Asana allows us to set different sets of Custom Fields for different projects, it might be a mess for a member who is in different projects… But I think as long as it only allows users to “select” the existing Custom Fields they want to show in their My Tasks, it should be OK.


I would really appreciate if you can add this feature as it would make our life much easier!

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It would be asanasome!

Yes! I voted for this feature; it would be SO helpful for our work as a research lab. We are in the process of trying to figure out workarounds for not having this feature and all of them are very clunky.

Hi Yiotis,

We really need the custom fields in my tasks and am very interested in attempting to duplicate your workaround. Is there any chance you could let me know how you created the custom script and what is needed. I’m not a developer but I know a few who could help, especially if it is pretty simple. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Adding my vote for this feature as well!

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I am a very new Asana user (adopting it for my company and also for my husband’s) and custom fields is THE reason I upgraded to premium and am VERY disappointed that I cannot see at least some custom fields in My Tasks. As others have noted, it seems you should be able to select to have a custom field visible in My Tasks just like you can choose that visibility or not in the projects you’re adding them to. Before upgrading, I considering using Tags instead as a workaround but I want some things like Priority and Status to be automatically added to a task instead of having to remember to add those tags.

There should also be a way to globally add some custom fields to all projects/tasks instead of one-by-one as projects are set-up. Considering creating a global template project that is the base starting point for all others instead of the + button. Any thoughts?


Yes this seems silly that so many people are requesting this feature and yet it’s been so long and nothing has been done, for a feature that should be easy to add as the functionality is already there.


I’ll pile on here - I just discovered custom fields and love it. Having the ability to at a glance view our tasks in order of priority (our custom field) individually but at the 100,000 ft view of My Tasks would be a HUGE benefit.


+1 for this - it’s pretty crazy that a leading PM tool doesn’t have priority/progress fields built in by default!
It’s all well and good being able to create custom fields to add them, and sort by these fields in the Project view, but these fields need to persist throughout the tool, in all views - they especially need to be visible in My Tasks, so each person knows what tasks to prioritise, and in Reports so that managers can see progress for each person.

Makes Asana unusable until these are added:

  • ability to choose which Custom Fields are displayed as columns in My Tasks (using the same UX that Project views use)
  • ability to sort by ANY custom field in My Tasks, and Search Results.

It’s been a year since this was first requested - could someone from Asana provide feedback as to whether this is on the product roadmap, and if so, an estimate for if/when it would be added? @Alexis

I’m not sure we can upgrade/use Asana without this basic functionality, and would go back to Axosoft instead.


This feels like a massive hole in Asana. Custom fields everywhere except My Tasks list, where I actually get down to do most of my work.


Agree that custom fields must need to be in My Tasks, particularly as mentioned for things like Priority and Status fields. For me, selecting which ones to show would be nice, but let’s not let nice get in the way of getting the feature added.

Can I also request that someone from Asana provide a status on this?

Thanks and keep up the great work team Asana!


I’m disappointed that I can’t see my task priorities in My Tasks. How is this not considered a basic thing?


I’d like to be able to see custom fields in My Tasks also. We use priority numbers within tasks as a custom field and we need the users to have the ability of sorting the “my tasks” with this custom field. Please consider adding this feature!

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Please!!! We need it!