You can convert your Workspace to an Organization following these steps.
In regards to your second question, some templates are only available for Premium customers. You can see the list here. If you have a premium plan and you still cannot access those templates, please let me know what template you are trying to use and if you are receiving any error message. I’ll be happy to investigate further!
I have managed to create an Organisation with another e-mail adress
Regarding the templates, what will happen to the premium templates I am using once i go onto a basic plan ? (at the end of my trial) Will all my work on these templates be lost ?
Also, are the custom fields a premium feature that i will loose on the basic plan ?
Hi @Naomi4, you won’t lose access to the projects you created from the templates but you won’t be able to access Premium features, for example, Custom Fields, Timeline view, Forms. You will still have access to the information in your tasks.