Hi @Dominic_Duclos and thanks for reaching out in the Forum!
I think there is a little bit of confusion here, so I just wanted to clear things up and give you some insights into some changes currently happening in Asana. To this day converting a task into a subtask was only possible on the web version of Asana; unfortunately, it was never possible on our mobile app. I think you’re referring to something slightly different here. The “:” was allowing you to convert tasks into Sections (not into subtasks). And you’re completely right, it doesn’t work anymore; instead of using the semicolon, you can now create Sections using the “Tab+N” shortcut or our new “Add Section” drop-down menu. Unfortunately, this new shortcut is not available on mobile; and in fact, because of some work we’re currently doing to implement the ability of Switching from Boards to List View (and vice versa) in mobile, we had to temporarily remove the ability to create sections via mobile altogether. We’re hoping to re-introduce this function very soon, we’re aware a lot of users create sections on mobile and our team is working hard to make this happen as quickly as possible (you can follow along with the latest updates on this topic here: Create Section feature is missing from our mobile app - #9).
This thread (we’re currently talking on) is about converting a task into a subtask - not converting a task into a section, (which used to be possible with the “:” shortcut). If you have follow-up questions about the ability to create sections on mobile, please reach out on the thread referenced above; I’ll be more than happy to help.
On a more global note, we are aware that many of our users rely on the mobile app to get work done on the go; over the last two years our mobile app has dramatically improved (have a look at our Release Notes if you’re interested in learning more), and we’re planning to continue developing our resources to make sure our mobile app can consistently catch up with the web offer. But as you can imagine, developing on mobile is a lot more challenging due to many formats constraints, so it can sometimes take a little longer for new feature to land in mobile!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share your feedback and voice your concerns Dominic; I know this post won’t resolve your issue today, but I hope it helps you understand the situation a little bit better.
All the best, @Marie