Hi @Billur ,
Depending on exactly how you want to use those tasks/subtasks, you could either:
- Have a parent task for each day of the week set to recur weekly. Inside of that, have each day’s subtasks that do not recur. If you use these subtasks as a punch list to be handled by the parent task’s assignee, I would suggest not assigning them or putting a date on them at all and relying on the parent task assignee to check them off while completing the parent task. The reason: subtasks on recurring parents won’t have their due dates auto-adjusted relative to the parent.
- Use a rule to create new tasks with subtasks whenever you complete a task. This is a better approach if you need distinct assignees/dates on the subtasks of each parent. You can use dynamic due date and assignee fields in the Create task action.
- Use task templates (one for each weekday) and manually set up your schedule all at once. This might be a solution if you want to visualize more than one week’s work at once.
The best approach for your use case is heavily dependent on what exactly you want to accomplish. If you’re interested in some tailored assistance, there are a lot of partners in the forum who can offer their consultation services (perhaps try @lpb or @Richard_Sather).