I was just exploring custom effort in Portfolio’s Workload. Thinking I could adjust the fine grain controls later I hit saved just to realise I could not change a thing.
I chose #number as Format and 0 decimals but now I need 2 decimals. Does anyone know where I can change this? I would love to keep the Field title the same as it is exactly what I need (Hours).
Removing the whole portfolio and start over did not change a thing, probably because I saved it to the Organisation’s Field Library.
It looks like this Effort Setting has been saved as a Custom Field on Organization level. In order to edit it you can navigate to any project that is included into this portfolio. Then go to Fields - Hours (in our Organization we use Estimated time):
Then click on the Edit symbol near the field name and from there you will be able to add the decimals:
Thanks for reaching out. Your guidance was helpful but did not resolve my problem, unfortunately.
On the ‘Portfolio’ level I see fields, but my created ‘Hours’ was not in there. When I open Workload I can see # Hours and change some parameters but not the details I need.
The fields in a portfolio can be different than the fields you have assigned to the projects in the portfolio. When you select the Effort in the Portfolio you are deciding on which field at a Project level you want to use to measure the effort, not the Portfolio level. To show the Hours field in the Portfolio you will need to manually add it, but I don’t think that is what you are aiming to do - as I suspect you aren’t looking to see the Hours assigned to a project but rather the Hours assigned to tasks WITHIN a project. Just make sure you have projects using this this Hours field with numbers assigned. Hope this helps!
Thanks Jerod and Jenni. By your help I figured it out. Especially your comment Jerod pointed me in the right direction.
When you want to change the field, don’t go to Portfolios > Workload > Fields
but instead
Go to the team and project page where this field is used. There choose Fields and hit pencil to change the attributes.
It is beyond me why I should not be able to change it in both places, but glad I found the solution.
Many thanks you both!
I’m in a project. Select the drop down arrow and select the pencil with “edit project details.” But under custom fields the “effort” I am looking to remove (hours) is not there.