Bulk delete files from files tab

I have a bunch of files in my files tab for completed projects. I want to delete them.

I would very much prefer not to open the task for each file and delete them one by one from each task. I want to delete them from the files tab.

Is this possible?


Not at the moment @Mark_Lewis, file can only be deleted from the task they are attached to. I’ve gone ahead and moved this thread to the #productfeedback to allow you and other Forum Members to vote for this request; apologies for not being of a greater help here!


Thank you.

For efficiency this is much needed. For now I just simply don’t have the time to go back to hundreds or thousands of tasks and delete irrelevant files. It does leave a mess but until we get the bulk delete option that’ll have to do.



Does anyone know if this issue for deleting files was ever resolved? I am seeking a simple way to bulk delete files in Asana or to even delete a file from a task without deleting the entire file. We have some sensitive documents that we need to share with clients but I don’t want the document attached to the task in perpetuity. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


And in terms of practicality this would be awesome.

Sometimes I get a forward of a forward of a forward and all those forwards have all the image files folks use in their signatures. Then, I send this into Asana and I have tons of jpgs/pngs on a task. Just bloats the task and hides the real important attachments.

Some kind of ability to multi-select attachments would be awesome … :+1: :+1: :+1:


It’s now 2023, is bulk-deletion of files now possible?! I can’t see it anywhere and it would still be very welcome.

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