Bugs and Feature requests atleast 3 years old

In the past few weeks I have found myself in the forums looking for solutions to problems and in almost every case they were first identified in 2017, or 2018 and still not addressed.

It occured to me that part of that is because they are sprinkled across the multiple reports and not in a place where they are all visible and forum members can provide feedback in a centralized way.

To help with organizing the list I offer this spreadsheet as a place to put your favorites.

Anyone may edit it to either add to it or improve the layout, etc.

I will populate it with the first two after posting this topic - though with Asana users I won’t be surprised if someone beats me to it!

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Thanks Michael, I tried to access the spreadsheet, but I needed to request access which I have done.

Apologies, I thought I had shared it properly. Should be fixed now!

Also, if I get a chance this weekend I will go looking through the forums for more

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