Board view should allow for default to no images

Whats the big deal to implement such a simple feature? think Asana does much more complex coding etc.

2024 year. Such a simple feature has not yet been implemented…

Another +1 from me for this feature… 4years now

+1 for me please

+1 for me too

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Please queue this enhancement request to the pipeline!

+1 we need this. 4 years later…

I see Asana has added a LOT of fantastic features over the past year but PLEASE fix this. I have several Board Views that get a lot of tasks added to them, and I have to click “show no image” repeatedly just so that the board view can function properly.

At the very least please make it the default that images DON’T show up in Board View icons.

Please, something, anything, so that I don’t have all these overbloated images on my board view. It really makes the visual neatness of boardview a total hoopajoop.

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How in the world is this not an option?? My team wastes all kinds of time every day removing cover images. This is seriously a huge flaw. @aji005

It’s SUPER annoying that screenshots we add to a task end up being a cover image. I’m sure there’s a use case for this, but I haven’t had one yet, so I have to manually update nearly every ticket to hide them from our board view. Not fun.

I’m relatively new to Asana. Does anyone from Asana monitor the product feedback? I’m asking because I’d like to understand whether it’s worth adding comments. Thanks!

Hi @Deb_Flores , welcome to the forum :wave:

I don’t work for Asana but as a Solutions Partner, I know for a fact that all threads are monitored by the Asana team and all feedback is valued and reviewed.

You can read more about how Asana processes your feedback in this article by Asana’s Chief Product Officer, @Alex_Hood :

please place this issue on top of your list. ppl have been asking for four to get preview images removed from board views by default. it’s super annoying to klick them away one by one.

Another vote for this! Please prioritise this :pray:

Please add this as a feature to “Save a view” without image preview.

4 years later Asana and still no movement here! It’s time to get this done. Come on! I’ll even write the feature spec for you!

Feature Request: Board View Image Visibility Toggle

Implement a toggle in the board view to allow users to hide or show images by default across all tasks. This feature would provide users with more control over their board’s appearance and declutter the overview, only displaying images when necessary.

Current Functionality:

  1. Image Preview in Tasks: Currently, tasks on the board view display a preview of any image associated with them by default.
  2. Right-Click Option to Hide Image: Users can right-click on an image in the task preview and select “Show no image” which hides the image in the board overview but keeps it visible within the detailed task view.

Proposed Enhancement:
Introduce a global toggle in the board view that controls whether images are shown or hidden across all task previews by default.

Implementation Details:

  1. UI Changes:
    Toggle Button: Add a toggle switch or checkbox to the board toolbar, labeled something like “Hide Images By Default”.
    State Persistence: Ensure that the toggle state (on/off) is persisted across sessions, meaning users’ preferences are saved even after they log out or refresh the page.
  2. Frontend Logic:
    Toggle Behavior: Modify the frontend to check the state of the new toggle setting. If the toggle is off, ensure all images are hidden in the board view, overriding any specific task settings. When the toggle is on, images should be displayed according to the task-specific settings.
    Event Handling: Add event listeners to the toggle switch to dynamically hide or show images without needing to reload the page. This ensures a smooth user experience.
    Consideration: Since the code to hide an image already exists, this toggle would mostly act as a trigger to execute that logic across all tasks.

Expected Challenges:
Given that the logic to hide images already exists, the primary development work involves creating and managing a global toggle, ensuring it integrates well with existing per-task settings, and does not introduce unexpected behaviours.

Estimated Effort:
This feature should be relatively straightforward to implement given the existing codebase. Most of the work involves adding UI elements and managing the toggle state. Depending on the complexity of the existing frontend framework, this is expected take 2 development days, including testing.


4 years and still nothing for a feature that should have never been a default…

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This is a blocking issue for us to become a customer. I understand that Asana has more issues to work on, but ignoring this for 4 years now is not a great look.

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Please! I need this as well!

+1 Up, this is frustrating

many threads exists related to this problem: