Basics - listing all tasks by date

HI there
I am quite sure that Asana used to just list my tasks by date due rather than by the headings that have appeared. I’ve deleted the headings but it now looks like a whole lot of tasks have vanished even though I selected ‘keep the tasks’.
I rely on this heavily for my work flow (basic user) and if I have to recreate everything from scratch it will be painful.
It only seems to be in the last week or so that I haven’t been able to see a straight list of all tasks by due date. Has there been a recent update?

Any help appreciated.

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Hey there!

Sorry to hear you are having this issue. If you are in the My Tasks section you should not be able to delete the Recently Assigned section and, this is where your tasks (hopefully) ended up.

As for the list order you can find the Sort menu on the right of the screen just below the search bar.

Good luck and dont be shy if this doesnt solve your issue, we’re here to help :slight_smile:

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