All tasks with a due date missing!

Can anyone please help, My Tasks is now only showing tasks that are assigned to me without a due date and all my tasks with a due date (and there are a lot) aren’t showing so I have no idea what I need to work on. I have checked the layout with a couple of colleagues and mine appears to be set up the same but they can see their tasks but I can’t.

Hello @Lucy_McKelvey welcome to the Asana Forum
Is it possible to see screenshot of your My Tasks (without private information)?

Yes here it is thanks.

Most of visible tasks (on screenshot) are subtasks - did you assigned (or someone else did) all this subtasks to you recently? Do you see other tasks (sections) when you collapse “Recently assigned”?

No they are all old tasks that don’t have a due date, it will not let me collapse the section as it says there are more than 1000 tasks.

@Lucy_McKelvey unfortunately I can’t figure it out what happened here, please contact Asana Support:

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Thanks for trying, I emailed them yesterday and today but no word back yet, hopefully soon tho.

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