I just got my team signed up with Asana Premium. My biggest interest was the Dependencies and Timeline features.
I assumed that when I set a task’s due date and establish dependent tasks, if I moved the first task in a chain that all subsequent tasks’ dates would move as well. I was very disappointed to see that dependent dates don’t automatically update.
It seems like a huge missed opportunity to not do what Instagantt has done for a while.
Is there any plan to add this feature to Timeline or Dependencies?
This is not really satisfactory having just upgraded my entire org to premium for this exact capability - For me it is only subtasks that need to be dependant on other tasks.
Under a parent task people have different actions which are all dependent on each other, and so this is where the key is.
Are we likely to see this come in any time?
A work around i have found is using instagant, but it requires a sync function and accept changes for it to update.
In addition to Instagantt as a solution for auto-adjusting, you might also be interested in a new solution I’ve developed; you can see more at this forum thread: New workflow automation solution is available.
It handles both scenarios: the one where you’re using Asana’s dependent-task feature and you want dependent tasks’ dates auto-adjusted, and the scenario where you’re using subtasks to indicate dependencies and you want the subtasks’ dates automatically adjusted when their parent task’s dates change.
I think your email system is blocking the replies I’ve been sending you from the Flowsana support system. I replied to you on Feb 19 and again on Feb 20. Did you not receive either of those emails? I also re-sent the Feb 19 email on the 21st as it seemed like you didn’t get the initial one.
FYI per your request I extended your trial for an additional month; that was one of the things I communicated in the emails (among other answers to your questions).
Do you have a way of checking your spam filter(s)? (I have not had any issues with deliverability with any other support tickets.)
Maybe not what everyone wants, but my work-around is to keep my Timeline organized such that tasks + dependency chains of tasks are grouped together visually. Then you can click+drag highlight (like windows explorer) and highlight the group of tasks in Timeline view.
Then you just drag / drop the bunch, and the dependencies move with the initial task. It’s basically drag/drop how can you complain about that?? I personally love it
Then the feature should be added with the ability to designate a due date as hard or flexible.
If a task has a hard due date, then its date won’t adjust when its parents dates are adjusted (and will stop its parent task due dates from being adjusted beyond its hard due date).
If it’s a flexible due date, then the date will adjust when the due date for its parent tasks is adjusted.
Seems like the ideal solution that (I hope) wouldn’t be too difficult for them to implement. Really does seem like a pretty useful feature.
Seems like nothing have been made to fix this problem.
Any idea of what we can do to massively up-vote this feature? I can’t believe other teams are not suffering from the same problem. Seems like a vital feature for me.
Could you perhaps be a little more specific as to what you’re finding missing in terms of shifting of dependencies? Since this thread was started, Asana has introduced several different features that provide some date-shifting (and I’ve also introduced Flowsana which does even more to shift your Asana dates).