Automatic Cascading Due Dates for Dependencies

If tasks are linked and the due date for one task changes, it would be wonderful if the dependent tasks automatically updated their due dates as well. Right now it’s an INCREDIBLY manual process and I’m spending way too much time making updates to due dates when a project changes priority/gets delay/etc.


@Alyssa_Craig, Were you aware this is coming:

It was in the process of being rolled out, but is now still being worked on, though expected soon.



I don’t have access to that link but from what I can see that’s very exciting news! Thank you so much.

@Alyssa_Craig, Whoops…sorry about that. I just edited the post to correct the link; you should be able to access it now:



Hi @Alyssa_Craig,

Are you looking to have all of a task’s dependent tasks adjust when that dependency’s date changes, or just those dependent tasks which would be in conflict (i.e. overlap) when that dependency is changed?

If it’s the latter (only conflicts), then definitely the new Asana feature Larry pointed out is just what you need! If it’s the former, Asana will not do that, but you might take a look at my Flowsana integration which does adjust all dependents.


Ahh yes I was looking for ALL of the task’s dependent tasks to adjust. Bummer. But it sounds like it’s a step in the right direction.

Thank you!

You might want to check out Flowsana then, as it does exactly that.

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Hi Asana community, has this progressed since Nov 2019? We are SO KEEN for this as it’s such a manual process and taking up so much time. Gutted it’s not a standard feature as we’re so used to this in SmartSheets, which we’ve just transitioned off of onto Asana. Are there any workaround in the meantime?? Thanks. Elizabeth


This is amazing and will cut down on all of that manual work! Thank you!!

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Any update on this? It’s extremely manual to adjust dates for projects without some kind of cascading date change.


hello @anon81492092 , @Elizabeth_Dilley, @Alyssa_Craig
Yes, this feature is now live. If you build your project and buold dependencies between tasks. Allocate due dates. If your project dates move, then the date adjusts of those in dependecies.

Check this guide on how to auto shift due dates.

Hi. I love this feature but find it is not working. I have a project with task A, due Jul 4 and task B (dependent on task A) due Jul 10. I have selected the consume buffer (default) option for this project. If I change the date of task A to Jul 11, I would expect task B to shift, but when I click ‘update’, it says there are no dependent tasks affected by the date change. Any advice?

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@Sam_Musoke This is the issue I’m having too. I don’t know what we’re doing wrong. @Marie do you have any advice by chance?


I’m having the same issue.
Any suggestions?


@Sam_Musoke , @Ashley_McKnight @Teagan_Gagovski (welcome to the forum :wave: )

It sounds like you are using the feature within the List or Board views, instead of the Timeline or Gantt views.

The key is to click the ‘Update’ button BEFORE you change the due date of the task. So click on ‘Update’ first and in the pop-up window, then once you change the due date there, Asana will display which tasks will be affected and once you click Save, it will shift them accordingly.

Hope this helps!

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