Automatically Adding Task Collaborators via Asana Forms

+1!! Have been waiting on this feature request for years. Would be huge for our team.

@Kara_Collins I had the same results. This feature is not useful until both internal and external users can submit the form, with only internal users added as collaborators. Our external users can’t even access the form with the current setup.

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We are creating a Form to allow developers to submit a Task which will become part of a sprint backlog. We are using Flowsana to allow the user to enter an email address for the Assignee. However we would also like to be able to add other users as collaborators to the Task but I do not see any ability to add collaborators. It would seem simple to use the same functionality that allows you to add the assignee?

@Phil_Seeman have you looked into this for Flowsana?

Hello @Howard_Weinstein,

I have merged your post into an existing thread, have a look here that might help: Automatically Adding Task Collaborators via Asana Forms - #88 by lpb

And have a look here you could set up rules that trigger for all form submissions to add specific people to the task if that helps?

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@Andrea_Mayer The auto add only works for the form submitter which is not what I am looking for. I am looking for a way to allow a form submitter to enter values in the form to create specific collaborators. I could do this by setting up a custom asana single select field and create a rule based on the value to add a specific collaborator but when you have over 300 possible choices that is an unworkable solution. Asana should be able to leverage a People Field or a Text Field to add collaborators by allowing the user to enter the email address of the user.

Ah okay makes sense, then have a look here: People custom field: add selected individuals as task collaborators

As Andrea says, it looks like Asana will be adding it so we probably won’t. (But never say never…)

There is a feature on forms to automatically the person submitting the form as a collaborator, read here: Create Forms in Asana | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide


Hi folks! I hope you’re finding the new “Add form submitter as collaborator” feature helpful. We heard loud and clear how important this option was to our community, and I’m glad we were finally able to build it. We’ve already been finding it very useful for our internal workflows :slightly_smiling_face:

I do want to share that for now, we envision this remaining part of internal/org-only forms and don’t currently plan to bring the feature to public forms in the next year (it may happen someday though!) For the folks who expressed interest in that, thank you for sharing your feedback and please know that we hear you – and feel free to continue to share workarounds for that usecase here!


Its great to have it but unfortunate that there is required enforcement of user login to allow this.
Simply having the email field optionally add the person as a collaborator if its a recognized address would be way more helpful.

The result breaks our primary use case of Forms.

We use this and the branching logical flows for internal technical support submissions. The forms are embedded as web apps and pushed via MDM to our managed iOS devices, and setup as custom default apps in Microsoft Teams.

Since both of these above scenarios exist outside of a web browser, the feature becomes useless to us. We don’t benefit from it.

Please consider making the login ‘optional’ to achieve having the submitter email field added as a collaborator.

Our iPads are used as POS systems. Having any single user logged into the embedded web app form is never something that will make sense. They will inevitably forget to logout and we’ll get a bunch of subsequent form submissions attributed to the wrong person, or be requiring people to login/logout on a shared device which just adds excessive and unnecessary friction and lost time for them.

Thank you


Hi Marie,
Is there any updates on this?
It’s disappointing that it has been 3 years since this was suggested on a forum.
Our team also suggested this when we were purchasing an asana account and your team informed us in training that they will look into including this in the next round of feature updates. We’ve had asana in our team for almost 3 years now and it doesn’t seem that anyone in asana support is aware or working on implementing this. What’s the go?

This feature request was resolved some months ago but never marked as a solution here.

I described it in an earlier post in this thread here:

Also, has had this capability for a while, and doesn’t have the org-only-form limitation of Asana.



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Also looking for this feature to automatically add collaborators