Attachment indicator in tasks

There should be an icon in Tasks - in List and Kanban (and everywhere else it makes sense) - that indicates there is a file attached to the Task


Definitely agree. Related thread:


Came here looking for this. Great shout and pretty much a necessity for me


I know this is a really old thread, but I was just about to post the same request myself. I don’t attach files that often, but I happened to do one just now and there’s no visible icon in My Tasks. It would be great to see that little paperclip to remind me that the document that’s associated with that task is attached and ready to use.

Any more votes for this one?


Could an attachment indicator be added for tasks in list and board views? This would function much like the subtask indicator does currently. It would be great to know which tasks have file attachments ‘at a glance’ without needing to open them individually.



It would be great if I could see a paperclip icon on a task to indicate which tasks have attachments without having to open each one, the same way Asana shows a ‘thought bubble’ icon for any tasks that have comments.


Hi @anon62472401, thanks for taking the time to share your feedback with us!

We already have a feature request related to this topic. I’ve gone ahead and merged your thread with Attachment indicator in tasks to make sure we have all votes in one place!

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it seems as if you have had this feature request for three years. Can we expect it to be acted on in the next three years?! :slight_smile: Thanks.


This would be a great addition. Is this on the roadmap for the future? Or is it something we can add using 3rd party apps like Flowsana?

I would like to see a notification on my task item when I upload a file to my project task list. Currently if I am looking at list view, there is no way to identify which tasks have documents attached. I would like to quickly see from my list view, which tasks have documents attached.

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Hi @Kimberly_Shields , welcome to the forum :smiley:

I take it that what you refer to as a ‘notification on my task item when I upload a file’ you would like to see an ‘icon’ (such as a paperclip) next to the task title, similarly how subtasks and comments are displayed, as per below:

I think this is a great suggestion, which will be very useful so you got my vote!

I have just rephrased your post title because ‘notifications’ refer to those you get in your Inbox, so now your topic is better searchable and votable :wink:

:bulb: as a workaround, if you are on the Premium plan you could:

  • create a single-select dropdown field called ‘Attachment’ with an option ‘Attached Doc’ and manually select it to essentially ‘tag’ your tasks. You could do the same in the Free plan with tags instead of custom fields.

:bulb: as an even better workaround, if you are on the Starter, Advanced or Business plan you could:

  • as per above, but also set up a custom rule to trigger: when an attachment is added then action: set custom field to ‘Attached Doc’ or whatever you want. You can also add a comment as an action to notify people by @mentioning them :wink:


Can the @Forum-team merge this topic with Attachment indicator in tasks please?
and this one: Adding an "Attachment" icon to the Tasks (like Comment & Subtask icons)


So this is just a tiny suggestion, but could we get an “Attachment” icon next to a task like the “Subtask” icon and “Comment” icon? It would be an awesome addition. Thanks!


@anon6102322 I upvoted this suggestion! Don’t forget to do the same so your vote counts! :wink:

Also just wanted to point out something you might already know. If you perform an Advanced Search and add the Teams and Subtask filters, you can create a report for any tasks (or subtasks) with attachments across any number of Teams. See below.


Thanks for the trick Jerod, the advanced search master!


My team would LOVE this feature, particularly for attached documents. Just throw a little paper clip glyph in there that I can click on and go directly to the attached document.

We use Google docs and attach a lot of documents. As we scroll through the list of tasks in a project, we can’t see when there is an important document attached.

The fewer clicks to get work done, the better.


Any traction on this item? Having a simple paperclip icon in a Task row (maybe right between the row number and the task completion icon) indicating that the Task has an attachment would be amazing! We’ve found that if the Task title is clear enough to a user, they may not click to expand the Details and see the attachments, so an indicator that there may be more information in the Task for them to explore would be super helpful.


I would really appreciate it if a paperclip/attachment icon were visible when viewing a task on board/list view

  • The way that a speech bubble icon shows up when a comment is made.

Hello @Caitlin_Burr welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

I recommend voting on the existing feedback request thread: Adding an "Attachment" icon to the Tasks (like Comment & Subtask icons)


could this be merged with Attachment indicator in tasks from 2017

confused by what’s taking this so long

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